Avoid These Design Mistakes in your Bathroom

Previously, we talked about adding tile to certain areas so when thinking about making some renovations to your bathroom it is important to think about the impact it might have. It's always fun to change things up, but be careful not to make any design decisions on a whim. Choosing the wrong option means either living with the mistake or paying (again) to fix it. In this post, you can read about several bathroom design choices that homeowners often come to regret.

Putting Your Sink on a Pedestal

Sure, pedestal sinks look nice, but have you ever actually tried to live with one? You will quickly realize that they offer a complete lack of functionality, as there is neither storage below nor counter space on top. After the fiftieth time you've looked around the room for a place to set your phone, you'll realize that the pedestal has to go. Similarly, vessel sinks (the ones that look like a bowl sitting on the vanity) sacrifice function for form. Go with a classic undermount instead!

Going Tubless

At some point in your life, you likely came to the realization that you haven't actually used your tub for anything but a shower in years. As a result, you decide to remove it and install a dedicated shower. While this isn't a bad thing in and of itself, you should always be sure that there is still at least one tub somewhere in the house. Otherwise, you risk hurting the home's resale value when future buyers with children see no way to easily bathe them.

Turning the Bathroom into a Spa

You might dream of having a bathroom the size of your kitchen, but have you ever dreamed of cleaning it? While it seems like a good idea in theory, making your bathroom too large will simply result in wasted living space and a more difficult cleaning task.

Making a Statement (with Wallpaper)

If selling your house is anywhere in the foreseeable future, you are better off avoiding any kind of bold wallpaper. While you might love boats/birds/polka dots, these kinds of specific designs will make the room seem busy and limit the scope of its potential appeal. Stick with simple paint or a basic wallpaper pattern instead.

Mounting your Medicine Cabinets

Wall-mounted medicine cabinets are becoming less and less popular as buyers realize the added form and functionality of recessed storage. Rather than placing these protruding boxes above your sink, install them inside the wall studs. Not only will this look nicer, it will also increase the perceived size of your bathroom by reducing the number of objects taking up space.

There you have it, five bathroom design decisions that are best avoided! Rather than limit your home's functionality and resale value, opt for designs that marry form and function into an appealing package! You can read about more poor bathroom decor design decisions on realtor.com.