Home Design

Design Tips for Opening Up (Or Closing Off) a Space

As we begin our trek into the year 2024, do you dream about having an open floor plan in your compartmentalized home? Or pine for a little more privacy in your wide-open living room? You aren't alone! Many home owners find themselves in a home that they otherwise love, but with a layout that doesn't suit them. You might think that your only option is to remove/add walls, but this process is often prohibitively expensive, stressful, and time-consuming. Luckily, by implementing the proper design changes, you can create the illusion of opening up or closing off a space without actually changing the home's layout!

Putting Thought Into Your Paint Project Will Yield Better Results

couple painting wallsPainting a room can be one of the easiest ways to update a space. It can often be done during the course of a day or maybe even a weekend. While you may want to call in the professionals to complete the job there are simple tasks that you may want to handle yourself. When calling in others to paint larger spaces you can easily tackle a bedroom or office space if you feel like you can handle it, however you still would want the job to look spot on. Here are a few tips to make sure that your work will stand up against that of even the professionals.

Outdoor Space Design That Adds Value

outdoor umbrellaAs summer fades into fall we are reminded of all the time we love to spend outdoors. Being able to incorporate the outdoors into your home will be a benefit both to you and your family as well as adding value to your home if you choose to sell in the future. Adding value on both ends can only be a plus for you. There are certain items and features that many homeowners choose to add to these indoor/outdoor spaces that are a good idea to consider for your own home.