Home Maintenance Tips

Dealing with a Smoker's Home

Picture this: you've been searching for your dream home and think you might have finally found the one. You head over to check it out, marveling along the way at the convenience of the location, the exterior's curb appeal, and the great price, only to step inside and realize that the interior is saturated with the smell of cigarettes. Although smoking isn't nearly as prevalent as it was in years past, this is still a common situation encountered by prospective home buyers. The CDC reports that the proportion of U.S. adults who smoke dropped from 20.9% in 2005 to 13.7% in 2018, but this still means that millions of potential home sellers are active smokers. In this post, you can read about some of the methods that smokers and nonsmokers alike might want to employ in an attempt to rid their home of the distinctive smell. Plus, those who still smoke indoors might be interested in learning just how much it reduces the resale value of their home.

What Are the Most Common Problems Found During a Home Inspection?

The home inspection is a valuable tool designed to discover defects with the house being sold before the buyer completes the sale. While most people already understand the importance of the inspection, they might not know what to expect to see once they open up the report. I recently wrote about some of the surprising issues that a home inspector might not be able to report on, but what about the opposite? Keep reading to learn about the most common defects found during a home inspection and how much it costs to fix them.

Leaky Roof? Fix It Yourself with this Guide

It's a scenario that everyone is likely to experience at least once: after heavy rain, you notice that water has mysteriously started dripping from the ceiling. Unless your plumbing has coincidentally failed during the storm, the culprit could only be a leak in your roof. For many people, the idea of climbing onto the roof to find and patch a leak falls squarely in the "professionals only" category of home maintenance. However, if you are one of the diehard DIYers who insists on tackling any project head-on, this simple guide can help you fix your roof safely and effectively.