Check These Four Things to Ensure a Pleasant Spring

Every year it seems the same issues pop up with the onset of the warmer months. With winter in the rearview mirror and spring showers becoming the new normal, now is the perfect time to perform a few simple checks on your home to avoid later problems. The major enemy for this time of year? Water and the storms that bring it. Don't let your home become a flood zone by ignoring these tasks until it's too late!

Examine Exterior Faucets and Walls

Freezing temperatures can wreak havoc on exposed pipes, so be sure to inspect your outdoor hose faucets for any leaks, inside or outside of the home. One simple way to test the faucet is by placing your thumb over the opening. If the flow stops completely, it could be a sign that the pipe is damaged within the house. You should also check your hose and foundation for cracks.

Watch Out for Overhead Leaks Too

Take a look at your roof. Are any shingles broken or out of place? If so, have them repaired ASAP, before water can damage the structure underneath. If your roof is getting up there in years, you should consider having it inspected by a professional even when no damage is visible. Also, remember to thoroughly clean out the gutters so that water can't pool and seep into the home.

Trees Aren't Always Your Friend

Take a look at the trees that are in close proximity to your home. If any look dead, have them removed by a professional before a gust of wind sends them through your roof. Likewise, consider removing any significant branches that extend directly over your house.

Get Low

Check your yard (especially along the home's foundation) for any low spots that collect water. If this occurs against your foundation, it could allow water to seep through cracks, even if none are visible above ground. Even low spots the don't threaten your home represent a breeding ground for mosquitos. Fill any low spots with compact soil to avoid this issue.

Source: 4 Checks to Protect a Home in the Spring