April 1st: The Most Popular Home Listing Date

Put this post in your brain's "random facts" folder. You probably know that the most popular times of the year to list your home for sale are in the spring and summer, but do you know which month is the most popular? How about which day of the week? Here's a hint: it's definitely not the weekend. Keep reading to learn about the popular listing trends for 2016!

First of all, that common wisdom about listing in the spring and summer is absolutely true! The most popular months of the year were April, March, May, June, and July in that order. With worsening weather and lots of holidays, December was unsurprisingly the least popular listing month.

Let's get more specific! Which day of the week do you think was the most popular? If your mind went to TGIF, then you were correct! Friday was the most popular day for new listings, followed closely by Thursday. All five weekdays were significantly ahead of the weekend, however, with Sunday coming in dead last.

Overall, the most popular day for listings in all of 2016 was Friday, April 1. Here's the list of the top 10 days:

  1. Friday, April 1
  2. Friday, April 15
  3. Tuesday, March 1
  4. Wednesday, June 1
  5. Friday, April 8
  6. Thursday, April 14
  7. Thursday, April 28
  8. Thursday, March 31
  9. Friday, June 3
  10. Friday, April 22

Source: EHS in 2016 by the Numbers – Part 3 – Popular Listing Dates