Cheryl Bourland's blog

Common Features That Are Becoming Standard for New Homebuyers

home with hardwood flooring throughoutWhen looking for a new home or even perhaps building a home from scratch there are often certain features that are becoming more and more common. Whether you are looking for a new home or building, having amenities that are tailored to your lifestyle is key to finding that perfect dream home.

Choosing the Right Style for Your New Home

paint cansSo you have finally received the keys to your new home and now comes the task of making the space your own. Before you start opening cans of paint there are a few decor myths that you should be aware of. 

Hiring a Home Stager? Ask Them These Questions

Staging is becoming an increasingly important aspect of selling your home, especially in competitive markets. While you might be hesitant to spend a significant amount of money on a professional stager, experts agree that the benefits outweigh the cost. Of course, the key to effective staging is to find the right person for the job. Keep reading to learn which questions you should ask to help choose the perfect home stager!