Cheryl Bourland's blog

Sunny Weather Leads to a Much Needed Check of your Roof!

roof with tools on top of itWhen the sun is high in the sky and you have a clear view of your roof then it is the best time to take stock in how it is handling the weather being thrown at it. Heavy downpours, wind and hail can do a number on your shingles and gutters so now is a good time to get up there and really take a good look at its condition both inside your house and outside. Knowing that your roof does have a lifespan and expiration date can also help you plan for the worst but hope for the best. 

Simple Ways to Reduce Your Water Use

With several states across the country living the reality of extreme and severe droughts and heat warnings, many people have become more conscious of the amount of water that they use on a daily basis. Even if you live in a region with no water supply issues, reducing your water consumption can result in a large decrease to your utility bills. With these time tested theories in mind, here are some simple home upgrades that will drastically decrease your water use. Currently, Arkasas has several areas marked "Abnormally Dry" which is the lowest on the table. However, things can change quickly and it should be a cause for concern. 

Avoiding a Flooded Basement: 5 Tips

umbrellasGiven that Summer weather can be unpredictable and even severe at times, it seems appropriate to take the time to think about how you can avoid experiencing water damage in your own home. While these tips likely wouldn't be enough to help if you receive 20 inches of rain in just a few days, they will reduce or even prevent damage from occurring during typical heavy rain. Naturally, the part of your home most likely to become flooded is the lowest point, your basement! Follow these 5 tips to keep your basement water-free.