Cheryl Bourland's blog

Kitchen Remodels Keep Return On Investment High

well organized kitchenAre you planning to sell this coming Spring? Then you need to make sure that your kitchen is in order before making that leap. Your kitchen is the hub of activity throughout most of the day. A lot happens there and people often gravitate toward that room to congregate or share a meal. If you want to see a return of investment when it comes to your kitchen then there are a few things that you should note before you sell.

Here Are Some Open House Red Flags

An open house is always exciting; after all, you're taking your first look at what could be your new home! Although it can be easy to overlook small defects when the house seems to otherwise fit your needs, some issues can indicate that much larger problems are lurking. Keep reading to learn about four open house red flags and what they could be hiding.

Is It Time to Take Your Home Off the Market?

All sellers look forward to the day when their home listing finally goes live; after all, in many cases they have worked hard for weeks or months to get the property ready for potential buyers. Although everyone dreams of a quick sale, the unfortunate reality is that sometimes a home just sits... and sits... and sits. If your home has been on the market for several months and you aren't receiving reasonable offers (or even unreasonable ones!), then it might be time to consider withdrawing the listing. Of course, this is no easy decision, so how do you know when a change is necessary? Here are four signs that it might be time for a tactical retreat.