Simple Home Maintenance Can Save You Money

basement with water heaterIt is very important to not wait until a problem arises to realize that you may have been neglecting certain home maintenance problems that have been lurking right under your nose. Making sure that you tackle these simple checks and cleaning routines will help save you money in the long run.
Broken window seals are often an issue that hides itself in plain sight but is often overlooked. Build up of moisture, mold as well as rotting of surrounding wood within the walls are all results from leaking windows. Expanding all the way into the flooring of your home in extreme cases is also a possibility if the situation goes unchecked. Monitor your windows condition at least twice a year (or when you notice an issue) to make sure any problems can be addressed in a timely manner.
Everyone loves a hot steamy shower now and then and exhaust fans serve as an important way to keep air flow moving in those situations. An exhaust fan in the bathroom makes sure warm moist air is circulated up and out in order to reduce moisture build up. Exhaust fans within the attic of your home or any type of ventilation fan aids in saving energy by expelling warm air and bringing cooler air in during the summer months. They can also help to regulate the roof temperature which in turn can reduce the possibility of damage. Fans like these should be cleaned and maintained every three months to guarantee that they are doing their job proficiently.
In order to make sure that you have that hot water for your warm shower you have to head down to the basement or utilities room to where your water heater is kept. Water heaters over time will gather particulates and sediment and so it is extremely wise to drain them every 6-12 months. By doing this it will keep the water heater from potentially damaging any of your water lines or valves with unwanted sediment. Draining the tank is easy but make sure you pick a time when no one is utilizing the water system and there is time for the tank to refill.
No one wants to see small foundation cracks! But when it happens it often starts small and can eventually lead to a major project if you don't take care of it immediately. Small cracks, if caught early enough, can be easily filled with a concrete sealer that you can find at any local home improvement store. Don’t be caught unaware of problems that can turn into something bigger with a much larger price tag.
Everyone knows that the kitchen sink is by far one of the most utilized areas in your home. Everything from washing your hands to the daily exposure to cleaning chemicals can take its toll. Be sure to check all the waterproof seals to be positive that they are intact and this will help ensure that no unexpected damages will creep up on you in the future.
Your home is by far one of the most important and expensive investments you will ever make in your lifetime. Be sure to protect it by being proactive in its upkeep to ensure the longevity of your property.