Cheryl Bourland's blog

Additions to Your Home that Add Potential Value

Once you purchase a home there are things that can add to the enjoyment of your new space. Here are some things homeowners often don't regret adding to or updating on their property once a sale is finalized:

These Mistakes Can Sabotage Your Home Sale

With something as personally and financially important as selling your home, you want to do everything in your power to make sure the process is seamless! Sure, there are always unforeseeable issues that can arise, but some of the most common problems are self-inflicted! The goal of this post is to warn current and future sellers about some of the easily-avoidable ways that they can sabotage their own sale.

Increase Your Home's Security With These 5 Tips

As summer starts to heat up, it's time to consider something that most people assume will never happen to them: a home burglary. You might not like to think about it, but a burglary occurs about every 15 seconds in the United States for a total of over 2.5 million per year. Luckily, there are some simple steps that you can take to stop your home from becoming an easy target for a thief on the prowl.